

Version 0.0.13 Build 001

release date 16 Feb 2022

Added: Display open rate percentage of messages, broadcasts, and single emails
Fixed: register only unique opens for Broadcasts, Messages and Emails stats
Fixed: disable arpV ERROR_UNSAFE logs checking

Version 0.0.12 Build 001

release date 20 Dec 2021

Fixed: Import CSV giving php error on inconsistent CSV file
Fixed: “NOT OPENED” and “NOT BOUNCED” Segment Criteria

Version 0.0.11 Build 001

release date 29 Sep 2021

Remove: arpVerify integration
Fixed: Custom email headers

Version 0.0.10 Build 001

release date 4 Aug 2021

Remove: arpVerify header, move it onto arpVerify pages
Note: arpVerify is being sunset due to a failure of the 3rd party service provision.

Version 0.0.9 Build 001

release date 5 May 2021

Added: reCAPTCHA v3 option
Added: “Invisible reCAPTCHA Badge” option
Added: [FBL] Sparkpost FBL module
Fixed: Graphical Captcha inside IFrame
Fixed: PHP error on change an autoresponder’s message order
Fixed: undefined index error at Trigger_action_matching page

Version 0.0.8 Build 001

release date 3 Jan 2021

Added: [Trigger Action for matching contacts] add the Refresh Page button
Added: [Trigger Action for matching contacts] display Scheduled Actions list at the Trigger Actions page
Added: [Trigger Action for matching contacts] Trigger Action page.
Added: [Trigger Action for matching contacts] Display Filter type for matching contacts
Added: [Trigger Action for matching contacts][refactor] move Contacts to list
Added: [Trigger Action for matching contacts] Add submenu item at the Contacts list page
Fixed: Unable to change subject line of default Unsubscribe notification email
Fixed: Actions was not triggered on an Email Subscription event

Version 0.0.7 Build 001

release date 2 Nov 2020

Update: From PHPMailer 5.2.16 to PHPMailer 6.1.4

  • Security Update
  • PHPMailer 6.x is compatible with PHP 5.5 and later.
  • add disable_safe_check() method to App_mail class

Fixed: Autoresponder Message Edit page. FIX Save button behaviour on message changes
Fixed: Autoresponder Message Edit page. FIX navigation on Create Message page
Fixed: SQL error on Import Contacts for MySQL 5.7.4+
Fixed: “Edit Matching Contacts” move from [None] to any AR
Fixed: Custom Pages with parameters (?par=…) do not work when “error code” enabled
Fixed: NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER is not supported in MySQL 8.0
Fixed: Change PHPMailer’s SMTPAutoTLS option with FALSE

Version 0.0.6 Build 001

release date 7 Feb 2020

Added: Autoresponder Message New and Edit page Navigation with “previous” and “next” options
Fixed: MySQL issues with SQL_MODE and BIG_SELECT
Fixed: Installation MySQL issues with SQL_MODE

Version 0.0.5 Build 001

release date 7 Nov 2019

Fixed: Remove connection to

Version 0.0.4 Build 001

release date 28 July 2018

Added: Allow contact to update thier own email address
Added: Improve unsubscribe reporting for messages
Added: Custom Fields and API – save and update Custom fields specified with an API request
Added: Custom Fields and API – include Custom fields to be listed with the Standard fields as well
Fixed: New contacts reports ignores server Timezone setting
Fixed: Content Action Map was Missing link to Trackable links
Fixed: When sending variants bounce reporting shows on only one variant

Version 0.0.3 Build 001

release date 18 May 2018

Added: API Permission Keys

Version 0.0.2 Build 004

release date 17 April 2018

Fixed: Multiple spelling

The first public release.
Version 0.0.2 Build 003

release date 28 Mar 2018

Added: PHP7 compatibility
Added: Feedback Loop processing
Added: [FBL] Amazon SES/SNS FBL module
Added: [FBL] SendGrid FBL module
Added: [FBL] SendInBlue FBL module
Added: [FBL] Mandrill FBL module
Added: [FBL] MailGun FBL module
Added: [FBL] MailJet FBL module
Added: [FBL] “Soft Bounce”, “Hard Bounce” and “SPAM Complaint” Actions added.
Added: Custom Dynamic Tags capability – create flexible and complex data processing with User Functions
Added: Custom Dynamic Tags – {DATE_X} with offset.
Added: Custom Dynamic Tags – {FULLNAME} as a sample of a Custom Dynamic Tag
Added: Custom Dynamic Tags – {GRAVATAR_HASH} tag added for Gravatar Avatars
Added: Custom Dynamic Tags – {HTML_TO_TEXT} tag converts a HTML-marked content into Plain-text
Added: Dynamic contact tags show full content in message preview eg {FIRST_NAME} will show the name.
Added: Nested Tags capability
Added: Nested Variables – nest one or more variables such as Ads and Names
Added: {AD} Tag content can be used in headers and footers
Added: [Convert HTML content to TEXT] fill an empty message part with an existing part
Added: Criteria for Single Emails sent/not sent/opened/not opened/bounces/not bounced
Added: Ability to filter (segment) contacts on the suppression list
Added: Broadcasts can omit contacts who Opened/Not opened Broadcasts, Opened/Not opened AR messages, Opened/Not opened Single emails, Clicked/Not clicked Links
Added: More filters like Broadcast UnOpened, Follow-Up UpOpened, Single Email UnOpened, Not Clicked Links
Added: [IP2Location] {COUNTRY_CODE} {IP_ADDRESS} dynamic tags added
Added: enable IP2Location processing for existing Contacts at the System Settings page
Added: Update existing contacts with IP2Location data
Added: update IP when a contact communicates with #V2
Added: manage IP2Location API Key
Added: Make “Order By” for listings, cookie based
Added: Create Action/webhook options for unsubscribe and selecting “do not mail”
Added: Add header and footer template options to single emails
Added: Notification on subscribe by email — include the contents of the email sent in the subscription notification email
Added: allow use of tags %AUTORESPONDER_NAME%, %SUBSCRIBE_METHOD%, %SUBSCRIBE_IP%, %SUBSCRIBE_USER_AGENT%, %FORM%, %TRACKING_TAG%, %PERSONA% with a subscription Notification.
Added: option to add Reply-To header with subscribers email_address to a Notification email
Added: use custom-fields in the Notification Subject and the list of Recipients. Allow to use PERSONA_EMAIL_ADDRESS_X fields in the Recipients list.
Added: Add/Remove Subscriptions, Categories, Tags
Added: Edit contact info and custom fields
Added: [Import CSV] Allow duplicate subscription checkbox added
Added: EXPORT for Banned lists
Added: The ability to record the URL that the contact used to subscribe
Added: Import email addresses and domains to suppression and banned lists
Added: Security enhancement, obscure all password fields
Added: Permission profile option for Contact Tags
Added [TEXT WordWrap] “email_wordwrap” variable into config.php to setup a message body WordWrap
Added: Made it easier to set a timezone using a dropdown

Fixed: Inaccurate BOUNCE, OPEN, SENT count for SINGLE EMAILS
Fixed: Include autoresponder name column in Send Log page
Fixed: Display both of the Text and HTML tag options in the ADs list.
Fixed: Domain suppression list bug
Fixed: Unsubscribe and Manage Links not shown in TEST copy of the message
Fixed: “count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable”
Fixed: Reporting issues with graphs and over longer time frames
Fixed: decode MIME encoded Subjects and other email headers and incoming email header break-lines
Fixed: DKIM Bounce Processing 2 Bugs
Fixed: Contact import with malformed CSV generates php error
Fixed: [Import CSV] CSV import with duplicate email address creates multiple subscriptions to same AR
Fixed: [Import CSV] Re-importing existing contacts that has the SAME tag/category adds duplicate “count” record
Fixed: [Import CSV] PHP error on import of BANNED emails
Fixed: [Import CSV] Uploading a blank/empty CSV file results to some type of loop and high CPU usage
Fixed: Selecting b/cast recipients option but not selecting available option creates Error Number: 1064
Fixed: Unsubscribe notifications for changes made on the Manage Subscriptions page
Fixed: Unsubscribe web form not following custom ‘Subscribe success page’ setting
Fixed: Include a message code to the info appended to custom URLs when unsubscribing via the unsubscribe link
Fixed: “Disable error code and message” setting not working for custom Unsubscribe pages
Fixed: Fail to complete valid bounce responses
Fixed: Autoresponder/Broadcast Chart. Sometime an error appeared on a range boundary.
Fixed: System-Settings saving. Every time you saved System settings it created new Confirmation and default Notification (CopyContent) records.
Fixed: Moved the arpr_logs “success” KEY checking into update helper to correct DB table SQL
Fixed: Ham/Spam wrong in Subject Line with Foreign Chars
Fixed: send “Notify on Unsubscribe” on “Cancel all subscriptions”
Fixed: Unsubscribe notifications for changes made on the Manage Subscriptions page
Fixed: Bounce detection and handling for SES, Rule 28 moved to end to avoid false match
Fixed: Autoresponder Test Email picks wrong email System
Fixed: Subscribe notification emails are not being sent when subscriptions are made via an API call
Fixed: “doesn’t have a default value” issue on MySQL with “sql mode”=STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
Fixed: Unsubscribing by email cancels multiple autoresponder subscriptions
Fixed: Subscribe notification emails are not being sent when subscriptions are made via an API call
Fixed: Allow use of special characters (period, commas, etc.) in dynamic tag default values
Fixed: “Broadcasts scheduled on a Weekday stop at a midnight”
Fixed: “Sending test broadcasts or AR messages fails”. Use a test_contact for all Preview and Tests
Fixed: “Trackable Link with POST contact details fails”, “Blank page on clicked Trackable Link with POST Contact”
Fixed: session was not opened automatically for subscription script. session_start to allow check “graphic password” captcha.
Fixed: use custom-field names as well as the IDs in subscription Notifications
Fixed: Fix Contacts Export when a Contact does not have an exporting custom field keep a blank placeholder in CSV record
Fixed: Subscribe notification emails are now sent when subscriptions are made via an API call
Fixed: Recipients list in Notify on Unsubscribe
Fixed: non-catchable exception on incorrect email structure. This fix tries to detect and avoid this kind of exception
Fixed: body content of a subscription email was not sent in the notification
Fixed: Delete Matching Contacts not working and gives an Error 500
Fixed: User is not redirected to their “home page” after signin
Fixed: updated urls from http to https
Fixed: Segment COPYing overwrites all associated Broadcasts with the COPY of Segment
Fixed: Subscriptions created by add_contact, add_to_list, move_contact requests with next_message=0 will never receive follow-ups
Fixed: Tracking tag name data not populated on first message.
Fixed: Notification Emails not sent if Sub added through Action
Fixed: Subscription EMPTY (in contrast to [none])
Fixed: Contacts subscription Format Preference setting not being followed
Fixed: “The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows” + #111 “InnoDB TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL”;
Fixed: The db_params=default in App_datamapper.php caused a new db connection for each related db-table. This causes the “Too many connections” error on servers with small max_connections settings

Updated: CodeIgniter 3.1.5 integration
Updated: CSRF Protection and Session Protection
Updated: PHPMailer version 5.2.25
Updated: install checker for PHP 7.0+, MySQL 5.6.3+ (or MariaDB 10.0.12+)
Updated: installtion SQL (collates 1.x update helpers)
Updated: Segment Criteria now allows AND as well as OR for multiple assets including Autoresponders and broadcasts.
Updated: SEGMENT: Some Criterias are ignored or work incorrect
Updated: Custom Fields to allow trailing underscore and form dropdown value of NONE
Updated: move the CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION option into config.php
Changed: Removed importing ARP3 data at Permission Profile page
Changed: Set default for new autoresponders Confirmation Type to Required
Changed: Set default affiliate link for all messages to OFF
Changed: Default list ORDER display option to show the newest at the top for broadcasts, contacts, etc.
[Resetting logs] Clear errors in contacts send log
[Resetting logs] clear logs for trackable link, Single emails, for Contacts, Autoresponder Messages
Refine list exporting
Refine Suppression and Ban lists

Version 2.0.2 Build 003

release date 15 Mar 2018

Added: Groups Managment Control Centre

Version 2.0.2 Build 002

release date 09 Mar 2018

Version 2.0.2 Build 001

release date 05 Mar 2018

Added #291 Multi-Autoresponders Confirmation

Version 2.0 Build 002

release date 05 Mar 2018

Version 2.0 Build 001

release date 24 Feb 2018

Version 2.B Build 002

release date 19 Feb 2018

Version 2.B Build 001

release date 27 Dec 2017

Version 2.ALPHA Build 0010

release date 27 Dec 2017

Version 2.ALPHA Build 0009

release date 03 Nov 2017

Updated: OPTIMIZE cli/auto script to work with big suppression lists

Version 2.ALPHA Build 0005

release date 11 Aug 2017

Added: RSS Feeds into Variables

Version 2.ALPHA Build 0002

release date 03 Aug 2017


Version 1.8.000 Build 0006

release date: 07 Feb 2020

Fixed: Autoresponder Add New Message page, button behaviour

Version 1.8.000 Build 0005

release date: 04 Feb 2020

Update: From PHPMailer 5.2.16 to PHPMailer 6.1.4
Security Update
– PHPMailer 6.x is compatible with PHP 5.5 and later.

Fixed: installation MySQL “doesn’t have a default value” issues with SQL_MODE

Fixed: Autoresponder Message Edit page, save button behaviour on message changes

Version 1.8.000 Build 004

release date: 17 Jan 2020

Fixed: MySQL issues with SQL_MODE and BIG_SELECT

Fixed: Connection to an its legacy code

Added: Autoresponder Message Edit page Navigation with “previous” and “next” options

Added: Autoresponder Message Edit page. Keep current Tab opened when navigate between messages

Version 1.8.000 Build 0003

release date: 29 Aug 2019

Fixed: emailer page display error under PHP7

Version 1.8.000 Build 0002

release date: 18 Jun 2019

Fixed: Installation to work with mysqli under PHP7

Version 1.8.000 Build 0001

Release: 13 Mar 2019

Added: PHP7 support
Include: SMTP TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.1 support

Version 1.7.000 Build 0003

release date: 11 May 2018

Fixed: “Only variables should be assigned by reference” deprecated error on backup

Version 1.7.000 Build 0002

release date: 19 Mar 2018

Fixed: Uncaught Exception editing multiple contacts
Fixed: Bug with pre-defined filter Broadcast opened > Opened no broadcasts

Version 1.7.000 Build 0001

release date: 14 Mar 2018


Version 1.6.009 Build 0001

release date: 05 Mar 2018

Fixed: #290 DKIM Bounce Processing 2 Bugs
Fixed: Fail to complete valid bounce responses
Fixed: Autoresponder/Broadcast Chart. Sometime an error appeared on a range boundary.
Fixed: System-Settings saving. Every time you saved System settings it created new Confirmation and default Notification (CopyContent)
Fixed: Potential subscription form bug

Version 1.6.008 Build 0001

release date: 19 Feb 2018

Added: additional checking to detect malformed CSV at upload
Added: the ability to record the URL that the contact used to subscribe
Fixed: [Import CSV] CSV import with duplicate email address creates multiple subscriptions to same AR
Fixed: [Import CSV] PHP error on import of BANNED email
Fixed: [Import CSV] Re-importing existing contacts that has the SAME tag/category adds duplicate “count” record
Fixed: [Import CSV] PHP error on import of BANNED emails
Fixed: [Import CSV] Uploading a blank/empty CSV file results to some type of loop and high CPU usage
Fixed: Selecting b/cast recipients option but not selecting available option creates Error Number: 1064
Fixed: body content of a subscription email was not sent in the notification on subscribe by email
Fixed: Fixed non-catch`able exception on incorrect email structure. Fix tries to detect and avoid this kind of exception.
Fixed: decode MIME encoded Subjects and other email headers for notification on subscribe by email
Fixed: stamp_subscription missing
Fixed: incoming email header break-lines on subscribe by email

Version 1.6.007 Build 0001

release date: 15 Jan 2018

Fixed: Inaccurate SEND/OPEN/BOUNCE count for SINGLE EMAILS
Fixed: Unsubscribe and Manage Links not shown in TEST copy of the message
Fixed: Delete Matching Contacts not working and gives an Error 500
Added: Notification on subscribe by email — include the contents of the email sent in the subscription notification email

Version 1.6.006 Build 0003

release date: 2 Nov 2017

Fixed: Contacts subscription Format Preference setting not being followed

Version 1.6.006 Build 0002

release date: 31 Oct 2017

Fixed: Too many connections error on servers with small max_connections settings
Fixed: session not opened error to allow check with graphic password capture

Version 1.6.006 Build 0001

release date: 14 October 2017

Security Release Fixed responsibly notified security issue that could lead to loss of admin and user access and some stored data. We encourage all arpReach users to update to the most current release
Fixed: Notification Emails not sent if Sub added through Action
Fixed: Subscription EMPTY (in contrast to [none])

Version 1.6.005 Build 0001

release date: 12 September 2017

Fixed: add_to_list API IP address now included
Fixed: http links changed to https for SSL
Fixed: Contact does not have an exporting custom field keep a blank placeholder in CSV record
Fixed: Custom Fields appear in the CSV… Even when a field not selected
Fixed: Allow to use custom-field names as well as the IDs in subscription Notifications

Updated: allow to use tags %AUTORESPONDER_NAME%, %SUBSCRIBE_METHOD%, %SUBSCRIBE_IP%, %SUBSCRIBE_USER_AGENT%, %FORM%, %TRACKING_TAG% with a subscription Notification

Fixed: Subscribe notification emails are not being sent when subscriptions are made via an API call
Fixed: Some Criterias were ignored or worked incorrect when segmenting
Fixed: User is not redirected to their “home page” after signin
Fixed: Segment COPYing overwrites all associated Broadcasts with the COPY of Segment
Fixed: Subscriptions created by API’s add_contact, add_to_list, move_contact requests with next_message=0 will never receive follow-ups
Fixed: Tracking tag name data not populated on first message

Version 1.6.004 Build 0001

release date: 21 June 2017

Updated: Link tracking so test messages include working URL’s not 00000
Added: Fix Bing SE Bot to stop automatic ‘opening’ of emails to improve stats
Added: API call to get email addresses in an autoresponder

Version 1.6.003 Build 0001

release date: 12 Mar 2017

Fixed: The “Latest Version” is displayed as 0.0.000 at the “Check for Updates” page
Fixed: Filtering Contacts list for Bounces not working/showing
Fixed: subscribe_ip_address not recognized in API
Fixed: PHP Strict Standards: Accessing static property XXX::$config as non static error message

Version 1.6.002 Build 0001

release date: 10 Feb 2017

Fixed: reCAPTCHA the ampersand code in the script loading URL
Fixed: reCAPTCHA ReCAPTCHA may disappear on a WordPress page with the “Gravity form” plugin activated

Added: remove tag, or tags, API
Added: remove tag, or tags, from contact API

Version 1.6.001 Build 0002

release date: 10 Nov 2016

Updated: default model time stamp
Updated: edit contact API function time stamping

Version 1.6.001 Build 0001

release date: 7 Nov 2016

Fixed: db error on installation without config.php
Fixed: Allow duplicate subscription when autoresponder moves subscription to another autresponder

Updated: arpVerify module reporting
Updated: API manual
Updated: CI framework files
Updated: Default tracking of HTML emails set to Ongoing

Added: optional Google reCapture to forms
Added: Create Tag API
Added: List Tags API
Added: Assign Tag to Contact API
Added: List Contact with Tags API
Added: List Trackable Links API
Added: Total Contacts By Tag API
Added: Total Contacts Clicked Day API
Added: Total Contacts Clicked Tag API
Added: Total Contacts Opened Day API
Added: Total Contacts Opened Tag API
Added: List Clicks API
Added: List Contacts by Tag API
Added: List Contacts Clicked API
Added: List Contacts Clicked Link API
Added: List Contacts Clicked Tag API
Added: List Contacts Not Clicked Opened API
Added: List Contacts Opened Ar Message API
Added: List Contacts Opened Broadcast API
Added: List Contacts Opened API
Added: List Contacts Opened Tag API

Version 1.5.004 Build 0001

release date: 18 Jun 2015

Fixed: add_contact API – allow confirmation email to be sent – was Hotfix
Fixed: navigation links Updated: arpVerify module, database improvements, monitoring

Version 1.5.003 Build 0001

release date: 29 Dec 2015

Fixed: arpVerify verification rules catch count issue

Version 1.5.002 Build 0001

release date: 10 Dec 2015

Fixed: CSS content tag placement issues
Fixed: Static PHP issue

Updated: ReadMe files – re language files
Updated: Language files
Updated: file – changed to
Updated: API usage guide

Version 1.5.001 Build 0002

Updated: Navigation bar for quicker access and loading.

Version 1.5.001 Build 0001

Beta version – release date: 4 Dec 2015

Minimum PHP version requirement is 5.5.x –
Recommended PHP Version is now PHP 5.6.x
Ongoing development will focus on PHP 5.6.x and newer
To improve efficiency and security, in line with PHP supported versions
Support issues for installations running PHP 5.3.x has now ceased
Support issues for installations running PHP 5.4.x has now ceased
Support issues for installations running on PHP 5.5 will cease in Jun 2016
Support issues for installations running on PHP 5.6 we provisionally indicate will cease in Aug 2017

Added: arpVerify integration module
Added: ‘List Categories’ API Function
Added: ‘List Responders’ API Function
Added: New language files

Updated: ‘Add to List’ API function
Updated: Create Broadcast page to show smart tags
Updated: Create Autoresponder Message page to show smart content tags to ease use
Updated: CSS files

Fixed: issue where ‘Add to List’ API function where optin message was not sent
Fixed: issue where CSV list import failed when using Firefox

Version 1.4.001 Build 0004

release date: September 2015

Updated minor text changes
Fixed API error message

Version 1.4.001 Build 0003

release date: September 2015

Added ‘Edit Contact’ API function
Added ‘Delete Contact’ API function
Added ‘Add Category’ API function

Updated Minor text changes

Version 1.4.001 Build 0001

release date: August 2015

Minimum PHP version requirement is now 5.5.x –
Recommended PHP Version is now PHP 5.6.x
Ongoing development will focus on PHP 5.6.x and newer
To improve efficiency and security, in line with PHP supported versions
Support issues for installations running PHP 5.3.x has now ceased
Support issues for installations running PHP 5.4.x has now ceased
Support issues for installations running on PHP 5.5 will cease in Jun 2016
Support issues for installations running on PHP 5.6 we provisionally indicate will cease in Aug 2017

Added: API capability
Added create API Key
Added ‘Add Contact’ API function
Added ‘Add Contact to a Category’ API function
Added ‘Suppress Sending to Contact’ API function
Added ‘Unsubscribe contact from one or more lists’ function
Added ‘Move contact from one list to another’ function
Added ‘Get Contact record’ function

Updated PHPMailer and SMTP classes
Updated files reporting PHP errors
Updated numerous files reporting PHP warnings
Updated language files and removed hard-coded language elements from map files

Fixed issue where attachments in Broadcasts were not sent
Fixed issue where subscriber was subscribe to None when using criterion
Fixed issue with loading of templates for permission profiles with editing privileges
Fixed Twitter integration error
Fixed Reply-To field has BOTH the “sender” email and the “reply-to” email error
Fixed Error when viewing NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS OVER 7/14 DAYS
Fixed error EmailHeader::defs() (on error log file on root directory)
Fixed CC and BCC (under a follow-up message’s ‘Tracking and Reporting’ section) were not working
Fixed First and last names captured for EMAILED SUBSCRIPTIONS were recorded in lower case
Fixed {MESSAGE_NUMBER} tag always came out a “00” when inserted in email headers
Fixed PHP Error preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated
Fixed Unlocking Message Positions break Dropdowns for approving messages –
Fixed Bug with cancelled email subscriptions to autoresponder –
Fixed Bug with “Sending Paused” –