Our reseller program benefits boiled down
How you choose to market and distribute #V2 to your current or future clients is completely up to you. We help you build your business to suit you.
You get a generous volume based discount on every software license you buy and you keep all the profits from all of your sales.
Plus… you also get to keep 100% of the profit you make from all of the additional and recurring monthly services you can provide to each of your customers. Think of servers, set-up and configuration, advanced support, one-on-one training and even DFY solutions.
You’re in control of your business
As our reseller, you control your business and how you run it. You decide how you want to cater to your clients needs and how you interact with them.
Major growth capability
You can do more than resell #V2 licenses – you can add value delivering other attractive service combinations that your potential customers want and need.
High recurring incomes
You’ll profit with every #V2 license sale but also from the additional services you provide that generate massive life-time monthly recurring income for you.
Build and grow at your own pace
You set your own goals and reach them in time-scales that suit your lifestyle and existing commitments.
We’re not going to force you into unrealistic targets to maintain your reseller pricing.
Extended training and support
We show you how (and where) to set up high reputation servers and how to use #V2 to make it an easy choice for your customers to buy from you. You get access to regular training webinars and an ever growing library of training material.
Happier customers who spend more
We support you, you help your customers. A simple, highly profitable solution that works.
Your clients will happily spend more, the more you make it easy for them to do what they want. We help you do just that.
What you’re getting
- Your master #V2 Software license (normally $987 per domain – current RRP $495)
- Setup and config of your first dedicated server (normally $350) – (we’ll show where to get servers for as little as $12 a month – you can rent these out for $150 + per month)
- Installation of your first #V2 software (normally $97)
- 3 months access to the #V2 Reseller Fast Start Program (normally $495 per month)
- Includes:
- Regular weekly focused training webbie (worth $150 per hour or $1800 for 3 months)
- A license to use re-brandable training material (worth $450)
- Help getting your new high-value reseller business making massive profits (value – $2,500)
- Volume based, reseller license, bundle pricing
- Bundle quantities are: 5, 8, 10, 13, 21, 34 or 55 licenses (your prices are discounted up to 55%)
- Starter reseller license bundle gives you $618.75 profit (normally $2475)
Total Value (including 5 reseller licenses – you can order more if you want to) – $8,167
Get started today for
and then pay $2475 for your reseller licenses later
(you’ll still get your master license to use today)
What is a #V2 domain license?
Each license allows the #V2 software to be installed on a single domain or sub-domain
How many #V2 domain licenses can I resell?
As many as you want.
Why would I buy multiple licenses?
The more licenses you have to sell the more customers you can have. Some of those customers may want more than one installation. All of your customers will need additional services from you, that you can charge monthly for. Simply put, buying multiple licenses means more income and profit for you.
Can I resell #V2 licenses at whatever price I like?
You can charge as much as you want for your licenses providing you don’t sell them for less than we do (which is currently $495). This ensures that your licenses will keep their value and no reseller can undercut another.
Is there a money back guarantee?
I can guarantee you’ll get the training you need to help you succeed and that the reseller licenses you buy can be resold for a profit. What I can’t guarantee is how much time and effort you’ll invest in yourself or what skills and determination you have, so no, there is no money back guarantee.
But… to be fair to you, if you can’t make this opportunity work for you, if you contact me first to let me know, I will allow you to resell all of your licenses and your training access to one person, at the price you paid for it. This is the only exception to not being allowed to sell your #V2 reseller licenses for less than $495 each. This also ensures that all resellers maintain the value of the licenses they buy.
Think about this… you want this opportunity to get into email marketing now which means there are others who will pay you for this opportunity later. If you build your business with our help, you should be able to sell it for more than you’re going to pay today.